

01- Brand strategy course

Looking to take your brand strategy to the next level, but not sure where to start?
Our Brand Strategy Course is designed to provide you with comprehensive, actionable insights and strategies to elevate your brand and connect with your target audience.
+ Brand Strategy
+ Brand Purpose
+ Brand Vision
+ Brand Values
+ Target Audience
+ Market Analysis
+ Awareness Goals
+ Brand Personality
+ OPT (Occupational Personality Test)
+ Full Support
+ Online 
+ 6 Session ( 6 Hours)

02- Brand strategy Micro Course

Looking to enhance your brand strategy skills quickly and efficiently?
Our Brand Strategy Micro Course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of brand strategy, with a focus on practical applications and real-world examples.

+ Brand Strategy
+ Brand Purpose
+ Brand Vision
+ Brand Values
+ Target Audience
+ Market Analysis
+ Awareness Goals
+ Brand Personality

+ Online 
+ 2 Session ( 2 Hours)